Storbåt Tacksamheten - projekti (English translation added on the bottom of the page)
Venemalli pohjautuu Saaristomeren perinteiseen Markkina-/rahtivenemalliin joka tunnetiin yksinkertaisesti nimellä Storbåt.
Näitä veneitä oli saaristokunnissa käytössä 1500-luvulta aina 1900 luvun alkuun asti. Näistä veneistä on kirjoitettu erinomainen kirja nimeltä "Storbåt, förr och nu" Per-Ove Högnäs & Jerker Örjans.
Veneemme Tacksamheten pohjautuu suunnilleen kirjassa mainittuun samannimiseen veneeseen joka rakennettiin Nauvossa vuonna 1825 Kökarilaiselle omistajalle. Kyseisen veneen mitat olivat :
- Pituus : 12m
- Leveys : 4.5m
- Syväys : 1m
Pienten muutosten jälkeen veneemme sai seuraavanlaiset kokonaismitat:
- Pituus : 12.5m
- Leveys : 3.6m
- Syväys : 0.9m
Paino asettuu noin 7,000kg kohdille, josta painolastia on noin 1,100 kg
Kokonaispurjepinta-ala on 60 neliötä josta isopurje on noin 40 neliötä.
Veneeseen tulee myös apumoottori, 10kW DC sähkömoottori. Akkukapasiteetti on mitoitettu noin 4 tunnin ajoon (6 solmun vauhtia).
Projekti alkoi talvella 2012 jolloin puut kaadettiin. Rakentaminen alkaa lokakuussa 2014 ja purjehdusvalmiina vene on kesällä 2016.
The boat design is based on the traditional Baltic sea small-trades cargo vessel. These boats were very common within the island communities between Finland and Sweden and were used to relocate the livestock from island to island as well as take the goods to the mainland to be sold.
This type of boat remained relatively similar throughout its history which spanned between the 1500s to early 1900s. The changes on the design had to do with the number of planks / side and the type of rig. The early boats had only 5 planks / side and a square rig. A removable freeboard provided added safety during the voyage. Later on the standard settled at 7 planks / side + the removable freeboard and a low-aspect ratio gaff rig.
A very comprehensive book about these boats has been published "Storbåt, förr och nu". It is written by Per-Ove Högnäs & Jerker Örjans.
In that book a boat named "Tacksamheten" (appreciation, gratefullness) is mentioned. This boat was build on the island of Nagu in Finland in 1825. The owner of the boat lived further south on the outer islands of Finland in Kökar. The boats on the outer islands were commonly a bit larger due to the fact that they were sailing in more open-sea conditions. The original Tacksamheten had the following dimensions:
- Length : 12 m
- Beam : 4 m
- Depth : 1 m
Aiming for better speed and maneuverability we ended up with :
- Length : 12.5 m (the hull is 11.5m)
- Beam : 3.6 m
- Depth : 0.9 m
The weight is estimated to be about 7,000 kg out of which the internal ballast will be about 1,100 kg. The sail area is 60 square meters. The main sail is 40 square meters in size.
We will have an auxiliary engine (10kW DC electric motor). The battery bank is sized to allow 4 hours of cruising at about 6 knots.
The project started in the winter of 2012 when we selected and cut down the trees and the construction / building of the boat will commence within a couple weeks in October of 2014. The 1st sailing will take place in the summer of 2016.
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