Veneenveistäjä on Marko Nikula Turun Littoisista ( ja suunnittelijana toimii Harro Koskinen, jolla on monen vuosikymmenen kokemus perinnealuksista.
Talvella 2012-2013 etsimme rakennusmateriaaliksi sopivaa, vanhaa mäntypuuta etelä-suomen alueelta ja etsinnän tuloksena päädyimme EVOn kansallispuiston metsäkoululle ja Porvoon Askolaan.
Molemmista paikoista löysimme vanhaa, hitaasti kasvanutta mäntyä.
The boat will be built by Marko Nikula who has his workshop in Littoinen, close to the city of Turku in Finland. ( He has built several smaller traditional vessels. The designer of the boat, Harro Koskinen, has several decades of knowledge and history with the traditional boats and he has designed many of the replicas over the years.
In the winter of 2012-2013 we scouted around Southern-Finland for suitable building materials. The type of wood we were looking for is old, slowly grown Nordic Pine for the hull and frames and Spruce for the cabintops and spars.
The search lead us to a Nature Reserve (EVO) that runs a school for forestry and the other source was a private sawmill in the town of Askola near Porvoo.
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