Otimme mukaan kaikki kaarimateriaalin kuten myös sivusarjat ja kattomateriaalin.
Runkolautojen valinta oli pitkä prosessi koska laudan tulee olla suora, leveämpi kuin 30cm ja halkeamia ei saa löytyä...Meillä oli 80 lautaa josta valitsimme 36 loppujen lopuksi. Runkoon menee noin 40 lautaa. Onneksi meillä on muutama lauta Askolan sahalta joten määrä pitäisi olla riittävä.
In August of 2014 we returned to EVO to pick up the materials. The material had dried up naturally for about a year and a half and was now ready for use.
The frames, deck and cabin top materials were straight forward as we took everything we had cut down but lot of time was spent in selecting the planks suitable for the hull. We were looking for straight planks that were at least 30 cm wide and must not have any cracks...
It became evident that the process of drying the lumber is very difficult to control as many of the planks intended for the hull had cracked in the process.
We had 80 planks for the hull to begin with and ended up with only 36 that were in good shape. The hull will need about 40 planks total...we do have a few planks from the other sawmill so we should be in good shape.
Runkolautojen tarkastus...Inspecting the hull planks
Kaari-, peräsin- ja perälautamateriaalia
Frames, rudder and the transom will be made out of these planks
6 tuntia työtä ja materiaali on kasassa, valmiina toimitukseen
6 hours of work and we got everything piled up, ready for delivery
Kajuuttojen kattopalkkeja
Beams for the cabin-tops