Homma lähti käyntiin laser-mittauksen pohjalta vedettyihin viivoihin keulan laipiossa.
The work inside the boat is progressing at a good, steady pace...After the toilet was done we moved over to the forward part of the main cabin and started building the sleeping quarters.
Initially the intention was to have bunk beds on both sides (port and starboard) but once we did some measurements and gave it some thought it made more sense to have bunk beds only on one side and build a wide single bed on the other side. This way there are tons of storage space under that single bunk on the starboard side.
We started the work by marking the heights of the support beams on the forward bulkhead using the laser to make sure everything is level.
Tämän jälkeen piti tehdä turkkitaso valmiiksi. Akkujen takia makuukamarin turkkitaso on ylempänä kuin tupakeittiön. Päätimme tehdä sen tasaisesti keulaanpäin nousevaksi jolloin ei tule mitään kynnyksiä ja korokkeita kulkuväylälle.
After we had determined the heights of the bunks we finished off the floor. The floor is slightly higher than in the galley / dining room due to the propulsion battery bank. We also decided to make the floor in a fashion that it has a constant slope towards the forward bulkhead. This way we were able to eliminate extra steps inside to make it safer to move around.
Tukirakenne sänkyjä varten tehtiin pitkittäisilllä palkeilla, jonka päälle tulee vaneri.
The support structure for the bunks is made out of series of longitudinal beams with a sheet of plywood on top.
Molemmille puolille sänkyjen päätyyn tulee kaapit jotka ovat auki tupakeittiön puolelle. Alunperin niiden piti olla samanlevyiset, mutta päätimme leventää pentterin puoleista kaappia hieman jotta saamme enemmän hyllytilaa.
At the end of the bunks, on both side we made built-in cabinets that open up towards the dining room / galley. We made the one in the galley a bit wider to gain more room for plates and such.
Sänkyjen etureunaan teimme perinteiset tukilaudat. Meillä on käytösämme leveää (n.50cm) kuusilautaa josta saa hienot sänkyjen reunat veistettyä.
We made a traditional bunk-boards on both sides. We have some nice, old and wide planks of spruce that we were able to use for these. We even left the live edge on them.
Ennenkuin teimme kaiken valmiiksi piti vanttien rustiraudat kiinnittää. Tämä sujui hienosti mittojen mukaan taottujen rautojen ansiosta.
Before we finished everything off we realized that the shrouds had to be attached to make sure we have good access to the nuts inside the boat. That was quickly accomplished due to the pieces that were fabricated earlier.
Seuraavaksi muotoilimme kuusivanerista sopivat pohjalevyt ja maalasimme ne. Porasimme myös muutamia tuuletusreikiä kosteuden estämiseksi.
Näin on taas yksi vaihe valmis !!
The plywood bases for the bunks were cut to shape next. We painted them and drilled a few holes for ventilation.
We are another step closer to completion !!