Avotilan korotetun turkkitason alle tulee moottori, septi, ja vesitankki. Sekä pieni tankki Webastolle.
The first couple weeks in January were extremely cold and we could not really build anything so the time was best spent in organising all the lumber needed for the build. The material we are using in all outdoor areas is called Larix. The lumber is from the vast forest of Siberia, slowly grown and excellent in durability and ability to withstand water and marine conditions. The only drawback is that it is very heavy material.
The 1st thing will be the cockpit which has a raised floor. Under the floor is the machinery space with the motor, water-, and wastewater tanks. We will end up having a little diesel tank onboard for the Webasto blower / heater unit.
Poikittaiset tukipalkit on liimattu kahdesta 50 x 100mm palkista. Päät lovetaan kaarien muodon mukaan. Taltta tulee tutuksi...
The support beams are made by gluing 2 beams (50 x 100)mm together. The ends will have to be slotted to fit the frame. It is a great excersice of how to work with the chisel.
Moottori kiinnitettiin asennuspetiinsä ja nostettiin alustavasti paikalleen. Lopullinen linjaus tehdään myöhemmässä vaiheessa.
The motor was attached on its' mounting bracket and the whole thing was lifted inside the boat to its' rough location. The final alignment will be done a bit later.
Moottori näyttää suht' pieneltä näin ison veneen pohjalla...
The motor appears very small in such a large boat...
Tukipalkit menevät paikalleen ja lattiapinta muodostuu.
The support beams are fitted in and one can visualize the floorspace.
Tässä kuvassa näkyy tasaisen lattian rajat (reunalaudat). Laserilla merkitään seuraava korkeus eli penkkien pinta. Seuraavaksi laitamme viimeiset pitkittäis- ja poikittaistuet lattiapintaan jonka jälkeen alkaa penkkien rakentaminen.
This picture shows the size of the even floor (between the two planks). We are using the laser to mark the height of the bench seats that will be on both sides of the cockpit. Next up we will put in place the longitudinal beams and the remaing transverse support and legs for the bench seats.