Harron piirustukset ovat osoittautuneet hyvin toteuttamiskelpoisiksi. Markon ja Harron yhteistyötä on ollut ilo seurata ja näkee että Markon aiemmin rakentamat ja Harron piirtämät veneet auttavat piirustusten tulkinnassa. Veneestä tulee todellakin kaunislinjainen ja sulavapiirteinen.
It is almost exactly a year ago when the boatbuilding started !!! The time has flown by quickly and the transformation from a pile of lumber to an actual hull has been quite an interesting process to watch. However, we still have a lot to do before we can go sailing.
The drawings and lines drawn by Harro, the artist, has proven to be very accurate and it has surely helped a lot that Marko, the boatbuilder, has already built several of Harro's designs. The flow of lines and the overall looks are very smooth and fine.
Vene siirrettiin takaisin Markon pihalle rungon viimeistelyyn ja öljyämistä varten. Sitä varten rakensimme väliaikaisen suojan verstaan eteen.
The boat was moved back to the boatbuilders place for the final touches on the hull and for the varnishing process. We had to build a temporary shelter for this purpose.
Kaaria tehtiin 9 kpl... 9 frames were built
Kaaret nostettiin yksitellen pystyyn ja kiinnitettiin toisiinsa käyttäen monenlaisia tikapuu-, / telineyhdistelmiä...
The frames were erected one by one and joined together with diagonal and horizontal beams. We used a variety of ladders and structures to climb on...
Lopputulos on (14 x 6 x 5)m kokoinen halli veneelle...
The final size of the shelter is (14 x 6 x 5)m in dimensions and it will fit the boat and the building platforms around the boat.
After the boat was moved the building process continues with the side-decks and cabin trunk. Every single frame has a support for the deck and these narrow decks extend the whole length of the boat.
Yksityiskohdat ovat kauniita ja toimivia ja kuten tavallista...niin hommaa riittää
The details are beautiful and functional and there are lots of everything as usual
We also looked at the profile of the roofline of the cabin. The objective is to have adequate and full standing headroom inside the cabin (at least 1.83m).
Peräsin on jo myös saanut muotonsa...The rudder has also taken its' shape !!